Reinvention North

 For Customer-Centred Change!

Reinvention North

Change has changed! We have permanently entered the so called VUCA time: the world of high volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguousness. You need to acquire new capabilities not only to survive but to thrive in the new world.

Reinvention is the leading modern paradigm for change. Reinvention is not about old style linear and bureaucratic changes but of agile and inventive changes. In the background there is a tested method that already has broad international coverage.  

Customer is the North Star for all businesses and businesslike activities. VUCA conditions challenge everything related to a customer! New kind of thinking, new approaches and new practices are needed in customer and customership area.

Reinvention North is for people, companies and organizations that have desire to search and apply new to succeed in continuous customer-centred changes. You will find both tried and tested as well as new and experimental in this field. 

Customer-Centred Reinvention


New Thinking

Customer thinking needs advances in the VUCA world! Value added is not captured if in a major change a customer is perceived just the old way as a buyer of a product or a service.

Why Customer 360°is needed?

New Approaches

VUCA world has new demands for  customer collaboration. How ready are you to respond to collaboration needs that are fast emerging and often deep by their nature?

Why Customer Collab is needed?

New Practices

A major source of failure is too much meetings and virtuality and too little reality work in change situations. In the VUCA world this is becoming even more critical.

Why Reality Events are needed?

Take Your Activities  to New Level!